
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a food safety management system used by food producers, packers, and distributors worldwide. It focuses on controlling risks to guarantee safety at every step of the manufacturing, packaging, storage, and distribution process.

Whether or not your co-packer comes into direct contact with your product, co-packers play an important role in ensuring food safety. Being HACCP certified – as WG Pro is – means your co-packer is committed to taking the necessary steps to develop and implement systems, processes, and behaviours that prioritize food safety and reduce risks for your customers.

Why You Should Work with an HACCP-Certified Co-Packer

  • Boost Consumer Confidence in Your Brand and Product: Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy when it comes to food safety and are on the lookout for food products, confectionary, and baked goods produced in safe environments.
  • Reduce Operational Costs and Wastage: When developing an HACCP system, producers and packers need to analyze every step of the process – letting you identify opportunities to make improvements and streamline operations.
  • Improve Product Quality and Consistency: Standardizing procedures can boost your product’s taste, texture, and quality – helping attract new customers and grow sales. Implementing an HACCP system can also help reduce the presence and growth of spoilage microorganisms, lengthening your product’s shelf life.

What is HACCP?

HACCP provides risk management tools that help control hazards in food production, handling, and packaging. It emphasizes preventing risks – including chemical, microbiological, and physical contaminants – at specific stages or Critical Control Points (CCPs) and monitoring steps throughout your supply chain.


HACCP is not…

Widely accepted as the best way to control, reduce, or eliminate hazards in food production, processing, and packaging.A program implemented and controlled by governments. Instead, HACCP needs to be controlled 100% by processors.
Put in place and maintained by individual processors to control their own food safety environments.A quality control program. Processors can adapt HACCP principles to address quality control issues, but it is not a quality control program in itself.
Suitable to be used in any facility that processes or handles food.A maintenance-free commitment. HACCP systems require processors to continually change and adapt to evolving needs.

Effectively managing an HACCP system is crucial for ensuring food safety at every step of the production process. Working with a co-packer committed to implementing and maintaining an HACCP strategy can help you grow your business – enhancing product quality, simplifying operations, and boosting sales.

With HACCP Certification and a 20-plus year history, WG Pro has built a reputation as a leading food co-packer in the Toronto, Ontario area. Contact us today to learn how we can help meet your business goals!

Read more:

Karl Wirtz

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